Halnaker Class
Class Teacher: Laura Holmes
Welcome to Halnaker Class, one of our Key Stage 3 classes here at Littlegreen Academy.
Autumn Term 2024
Halnaker class have persevered and reached the end of what has felt like a very long half term.
One highlight has been our Wednesday morning trips offsite, with Petersfield Heath becoming our favourite destination. Here, we engage in games on the apparatus, feed the birds, and sometimes we courageously run a lap around the lake.
These outings have been a fantastic opportunity for us to step out of the classroom, fostering acceptance and building relationships.
In Maths, some pupils have been focusing on place value, while others have ambitiously delved into algebra. We have discovered Rummikub is our favourite Maths game.
In English, we are nearing the completion of our first 'Step Up' unit on the topic of hobbies.
It is evident that the majority of Halnaker class enjoys being in the kitchen, with some fantastic cooking lessons where the aromas from the have been truly enticing. This week we have enjoyed engaging with some autumnal art activities, including pumpkin carving.
We are sad to have to say goodbye to Chantelle, our teaching assistant in Halnaker class, but we eagerly anticipate a week off for half term and are excited to resume more trips and culinary adventures after the break!