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Littlegreen Academy

Elm Class

Class Teacher: Katie Sadler

Welcome to Elm Class 



Autumn Term 2024 

The pupils in Elm Class have been enthusiastically embracing the start of the new school year! We have enjoyed some fun team building activities in the woods. Along the way, we also learned new vocabulary words like “cunning,” “deceive,” and “nervous,” adding a bit of excitement to our play.

In English, we have been diving into Varjak Paw, an adventurous story about a cat. This week, we focused on writing postcards, but with a twist—we opted to create Facebook posts about our exciting day trips or holidays instead!

In Maths, we have been exploring place value, and I am proud to say that all pupils are showing great perseverance in their learning.

We are also thrilled to kick start our theme, "Turrets, Towers, and Turds." The pupils have been busy designing and constructing their own castles while delving into the history of crime and punishment.

We look forward to an exciting year ahead as we continue our adventures in learning!